Why You Should Attend the Calvary Grace Conference

One of the things that happens when you do something for a while is that you start to de-prioritize it. When life is busy, the things that used to be special become commonplace. As the old saying goes, ‘familiarity breeds contempt’.

Same Old, Same Old

That can happen at church very easily. The same preaching. The same singing. The same arrangement of people in the pews. What was special and precious becomes common and even forgettable. Same old, same old.

Your First Love

Now we know that the church is not a social club, so our enjoyment and prioritizing of the church is rooted in something much more important—our love for Jesus. If we lose our ‘first love’ (Rev 2.4), then we will certainly lose our love for the church. But as we grow in our love for Jesus, we will love what he loves— the congregation of smelly, stubborn sheep( cf. John 10.11).

Conferences as Intense Spiritual Opportunities

The same is even true for specific things like conferences. A conference is an opportunity to have intensive focus on God’s word and his ways in fellowship with other people. A conference can provide a special season of growing in the Lord. This is the reason that I have wanted Calvary Grace to host a conference. It adds an annual time of intense spiritual opportunity for spiritual growth.

Conferences as Services to the Church

But there is also another reason. Conferences give a host church the opportunity to minister to other Christians (and even non-Christians) who might not enjoy very many spiritual growth opportunities. It is a chance to meet other brothers and sisters in Christ. And it is a way to stoke each others’ spiritual fires through mutual listening, sharing and serving.

The Powerful Relevance of Holiness

Maybe you’re thinking that, ‘I’ve heard all of these speakers before. There’s nobody new’. Well that’s true. But the topic of Holiness is so critical for our generation, that the content of the messages will certainly be powerfully relevant to your Christian life. Don’t let familiarity lead to contempt. Rather let prayer lead to expectancy.

Please pray for this weekend’s conference.


Pray for the speakers: Amanda, Christel, Jeff, Paul, Terry, Gavin and myself.
Pray for the volunteers in childcare, greeting, sound, setup, book table and more.
Pray for the people who will attend; who may not get to hear good teaching on a regular basis, who are starving, looking to be fed.
Pray for our Holy God to be glorified in his Triune majesty.
Finally, support the Calvary Grace Conference with your presence.
Who knows how God will use you this weekend